Season10 of AMC's The Walking Dead premiered on October 6, 2019, and concluded on April 4, 2021, consisting of 22 episodes. Developed for television by Frank Darabont, the series is based on the eponymous series of comic books by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. The executive producers are Kirkman, David Alpert, Scott Gimple, Angela Kang, Greg Nicotero, Joe Incaprera, Denise Season 10 6 Oct. 2019 Lines We Cross The group in Oceanside continues to train in case the Whisperers return; tensions are high as the heroes struggle to hold onto their concept of civilization. 13 Oct. 2019 We Are the End of the World The origins of Alpha and Beta are revealed; Alpha attempts to toughen up Lydia as they prepare to walk with the dead; the Whisperers create their herds. 20 Oct. 2019 Ghosts The threat of the Whisperers return leads to paranoia sweeping over Alexandria; in the meantime, Carol battles with the need for revenge. 27 Oct. 2019 Silence the Whisperers The outcast Lydia is badly treated by three Alexandrians. When Negan saves her from an attack, the life changes in Alexandria. Meanwhile Michonne and a group of Alexandrians head to Hilltop to save survivors of a collapsed wall. 3 Nov. 2019 What It Always Is Supplies go missing from Hilltop; Negan is idolized by Brandon; Ezekiel holds a secret. 10 Nov. 2019 Bonds Carol and Daryl go on a mission together; Siddiq struggles to solve a mystery. 17 Nov. 2019 Open Your Eyes Carol pushes boundaries that make Daryl uneasy; Alpha and Beta have reservations about someone. 24 Nov. 2019 The World Before A fight causes tensions in Oceanside; The Alexandrians set out on a high-stakes mission. 23 Feb. 2020 Squeeze The collected communities are reluctantly respecting the new borderlines being imposed on them. 1 Mar. 2020 Stalker The group must defend Alexandria from a threatening outside force. Contribute to This Page
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  • streaming the walking dead season 10